First and foremost, use of this website should replace the advice and/or suggestions of a medical professional or podiatrist. Please make use of this website as both a educational reference for learning about toenail fungus and a tool for finding an appropriate toenail fungus treatment.
By using this website as a reference, you accept that this text and suggestions found on this website are exactly that. We are not attempting to take the place of medical practitioners and are simply assembling as much information on the topic of nail fungus and ways to find the best nail fungus cure for your given infection. Please be sure to follow and understand the rules and regulations listed below regarding our website, Nail Fungus Research.
- The content on this website, including without limitation, text, copy, audio, video, photographs, illustrations, graphics and other visuals, is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice.
- The comments on blog posts and articles are not monitored for accuracy, completeness, thoroughness or timeliness, and do not constitute medical advice or recommendation of any kind. These are users of this website sharing their opinion.
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If you have any questions or comments about the terms or conditions of use, please use the contact us form on the Contact Us page. We’d be more than happy to take your questions or feedback and response with an answer of our own. Thanks again for using our website!